The MoonLook Man by Iris Lauren

Summer is finally here (almost)! The summer heat, arms that are barely covered… Summer and Vélibs’ parades as miniskirts and convertibles … Amidst all this folklore: The Man by MoonLook . Eager to heat, it is the most tropical area of Paris that is housed on a season: Chateau d’eau in the 10th district of Paris. Chameleon, it is not encumbered stereotypes. Instead, he plays. Sometimes the king of lace wig, reel and adventurer, sometimes working boy, preppy and hipster chic. The man by MoonLook dares all! And what could be more summery than the « Made in Africa »?

It is useless to want to identify the man by MoonLook is as elusive as the Parisian weather. Mid sunny mid gray, never where you expect ! But anyway, if he had to choose one word that characterizes Rights by MoonLook would look that is undeniably « modern » …

SBIL (Smart by Iris Lauren)

 Photographer : William Djamen 

Model : Vany Nho


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